How an active retiree beat colon cancer with screening and the support of his Wellstar care team
Published on March 27, 2025
Last updated 01:55 PM March 27, 2025

If you start noticing something is different—[that] a normal process of your body changes—you need to understand why. That’s what happened to me, and I was fortunate to get my appointment with Dr. Renelus.
- Richard Knox
Colon Cancer Survivor
Vinings Health Park Cobb Medical Center Roderick Harding RhyantBenjamin Dwight Renelus Anushka Vavitra Arumugasaamy William Lee Forehand III PeopleCare
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Importance of Colon Cancer Screening
The Problem: Colon Cancer is Common and Rising
Colon cancer is very common. It is the third most common cancer worldwide and ranks second in cancer-related death. The number of cases increases as we get older. Unfortunately, we are also seeing a rise in numbers among younger adults under the age of 50. This increase cannot be explained through hereditary factors as most early onset colon cancers are sporadic, meaning not linked to passed-down genetics. To add insult to injury, we are seeing an overall trend of rising colon cancer mortality among this younger group.The Answer: Screening
Colon cancer screening has shown to improve survival from colon cancer by catching it early. Some screening tools can even prevent colon cancer by removing the precursor to cancer. There are multiple screening tests available, including stool-based tests that look for blood or abnormal DNA, and specialized imaging tests that allow doctors to visualize your colon from the outside. One of the highest recommended screening tools is a colonoscopy. Colonoscopy involves direct examination of the colon with biopsy or removal of abnormal colon tissue. Unlike the other screening tests, a colonoscopy can prevent colon cancer with removal of polyps. Polyps are benign tissue but can develop into cancer over time if left untreated. Studies have shown that colonoscopy and removal of polyps significantly reduce the long-term incidence of colon cancer. I encourage you to speak with your primary care provider about colon cancer screening. Taking this simple step could save your life. Learn more about colon cancer prevention at Wellstar by visiting wellstar.org/cleancolons. To make an appointment with Dr. Renelus, call (470) 610-0145.
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Douglasville resident Ralph Aiken experienced a motorcycle accident in April of 2022. The 82-year-old was thrown 10 feet in the air and another 20 feet down into a hole, suffering a broken left leg below the knee. As part of his healing, he worked closely with Dawnette Waters, Wellstar physical therapist, to rebuild muscle in the injured leg.
One fateful day while at therapy, the U.S. Army veteran experienced cardiac arrest. Due to the quick actions of Waters and members of the adjoining Wellstar Outpatient Cardiac Rehab center, EMTs were able to revive Aiken and rush him to Wellstar Douglas Medical Center, where Wellstar Interventional Cardiologist Dr. Cheryl Robertson found the cause of the cardiac event—95% blockage of an artery. Dr. Robertson immediately inserted an atrial stent. Ralph has felt healthy since the surgery and is grateful for the team at Wellstar who saved his life.
“Wellstar is very well-operated and efficient, and the doctors, the nurses and the therapists are top-notch. I wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for the therapy staff,” Ralph said.
Ralph enthusiastically reunited with his entire care team at Wellstar. Smiles and hugs were the mood of the day, as each recalled the events that led to him still being with us to enjoy life.
Today, Ralph continues to exercise and is proud of his active lifestyle, despite his age. “Look at me. How many 82-year-old men have a 34-inch waist and an arm muscle like that?” he said.
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