Wellstar Hospice Care
Celebrating a life well lived
For more than 38 years, Wellstar Hospice Care has delivered medical, psychological and spiritual support to hospice patients and their families.
Compassionate End-of-Life Care for Your Loved One
At each of our Hospice locations, we take a unique, collaborate approach that addresses the holistic needs of your loved one. Physicians lead a team that includes a patient’s own care team, specialized nurses and clinical care partners as well as bereavement professionals, chaplains and social workers who provide emotional support to patients and families.
Camp Tranquility
Camp Tranquility is a community workshop for individuals and families who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Adults and campers six years of age and older participate in sessions designed to aid in healthy grief expression.At Camp Tranquility, participants build community with others experiencing similar losses while learning:
- Age-specific strategies for processing grief
- Self-care and stress reduction
- Parenting through loss
- Talking to children about death and grief
- Activities for family healing over time